Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Geological and Water) Geothermal Documents

Metadata Contact
The party to contact with questions about the metadata itself.
Organization Name: 
Iowa Department of Natural Resources - Geological and Water
Person Name: 
Howes, Mary
Street Address: 
109 Trowbridge Hall
Iowa City
Postal Code: 
United States of America

Published: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 | XML Metadata
This dataset contains well log observations compiled by the Iowa Geological Survey, and published as a Web feature service for the National Geothermal Data System. Fields in the Well Log Observation...

Published: Thursday, June 7, 2012 | XML Metadata
This dataset contains borehole lithology data associated with a geothermal temperature depth survey. Each interval feature has a top (without a bottom), measured from the ground surface (convention...

Published: Thursday, June 7, 2012 | XML Metadata
This dataset contains data provided by the Iowa Geological and Water Survey for heat pump facilities in the State of Iowa, including individual heat transfer installations (well, trench, pit) as well...

Published: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 | XML Metadata
Metadata for geologic bedrock maps of Iowa. Four maps listed: Estimated Depth to Bedrock, Iowa Bedrock Geology, Iowa Bedrock Surface Elevation (raster) and Iowas Bedrock Surface Elevation (vector).

Published: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 | XML Metadata
This spreadsheet is a compilation of observations compiled by the Iowa Geological and Water Survey, published as a Web feature service for the National Geothermal Data System. The document contains 8...

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