Drilling or recompletion of production wens with two or
more producing wen bores is a technique that has been used
successfully by several operators in the southwestern part of
the Geysers field to increase well productivity and
decrease the unit cost of steam production. 111e
northwestern part of the field poses special difficulties for
drilIing multiple-legged or "forked" wens, because of greater
reservoir depth, higher reservoir temperatures, the need for
narrower well completions, and less stable rock conditions.
Three wells within the Adjacent project area of the northwest
Geysers were recompleted as 2- and 3-legged producers
during 1992-1993, using both existing and new methods for
coping with the conditions in this part of the field. Total
drilled depths of the producing legs were as much as 11,345
feet (3,458 m), and kickoff points were as deep as 7,895 feet
(2,405 m) from 9-5/8-inch production casings. Reservoir
temperatures in directionally drilled intervals reached in
excess of 600°F (315°C).