This workbook contains well log observation features for the State of Wisconsin. These will be point features that locate the well origin for a well bore from which a well log is available. The well log observation record describes the log (type, top and bottom of logged interval) and provides links to representations of the actual log data, which typically will be either a paper copy, scanned image, or LAS file. In some cases the log may be represented in an Excel Spreadsheet. 8 worksheets included in this workbook provide information about the template, resource provider information, the data, and a terms list and type code list for terms used in the data. Fields in the data include log and well bore URIs, top, bottom, and total depths driller, location, and scanned file URIs. The wellbore URI is the cross-referencing link (foreign key) used to associate the header record, well log records, temperature measurements, and other information from a particular borehole.