This spreadsheet is a compilation of borehole observations compiled by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, published as a Web feature service for the National Geothermal Data System. The document contains 6 worksheets, including information about the template, notes related to revisions of the template, Resource provider information, the data, a field list (data mapping view) and a worksheet with vocabularies for use in populating the spreadsheet (data valid terms). Data from 334 wells are included. Fields in the data table include ObservationURI, WellName , APINo, HeaderURI, OtherID, OtherName, BoreholeName, Operator, LeaseOwner, LeaseNo, SpudDate, EndedDrillingDate, WellType, Status, CommodityOfInterest, StatusDate, Function, Production , Field, County, State, PLSS_Meridians, TWP, RGE, Section, SectionPart, Parcel, UTM_E, UTM_N, UTMDatumZone, LatDegree, LongDegree, SRS, LocationUncertaintyStatement, DrillerTotalDepth, WellboreShape, TrueVerticalDepth, LengthUnits, ElevationGL, BitDiameterCollar, BitDiameterTD, DiameterUnits, Notes, MaximumRecordedTemperature , MeasuredTemperature, CorrectedTemperature, TemperatureUnits, TimeSinceCirculation , CirculationDuration, MeasurementProcedure, CorrectionType, DepthOfMeasurement, MeasurementDateTime, MeasurementFormation, MeasurementSource, CasingLogger, CasingDepthDriller, CasingPipeDiameter, CasingWeight, CasingWeightUnits, CasingThickness, DrillingFluid, Salinity, MudResisitivity, Density, FluidLevel, pH, Viscosity, FluidLoss, InformationSource.