This spreadsheet is a compilation of Arbuckle lithology interval observations compiled by the Oklahoma Geological Survey, published as a Web feature service for the National Geothermal Data System. The document contains 6 worksheets, including information about the template, notes related to revisions of the template, Resource provider information, the data, a field list (data mapping view) and a worksheet with vocabularies for use in populating the spreadsheet (data valid terms). 11230 interval observations are documented. Fields in the data table include BHIntervalURI, IntervalName, Label, Description, IntervalType, HeaderURI, WellName , SpudDate, EndedDrillingDate, DrillingMethod, WellType, County, State, TWP, RGE, Section, Section Part, Location Name, LatDegree, LongDegree, SRS, LocationUncertaintyStatement, DepthTopInterval, DepthBottomInterval, Elevation, Reference Datum, VerticalUOM, WellBoreShape, GeologicUnitName, SpecificationURI, GeologicHistory, RepresentativeAgeURI, YoungerAgeURI, OlderAgeURI, Rank, Lithology, RepresentativeLithologyURI, RelatedResource, Source, MetadataURI, InformationSource.