A brief overview on creating metadata records for resources in the US Geoscience Information Network (USGIN) and getting them in the system catalog. The catalog should include records for individually retrievable resources that are considered as a unit— things that come bundled in an individual file, document, or container. Software applications and services are also resources that should be documented in the catalog. Domain specific description information should be provided in domain-specific services like OGC feature or observation services or NetCDF services. Resources that would be provided by such ‘data’ services include individual database records, polygons in a GIS dataset, individual chemical analyses, and individual temperature measurements.
Three workflows are currently supported by the system. The first is for situations in which there is some metadata information already compiled in a structured form that can be converted to a table for manipulation in a spreadsheet or database. Existing metadata should be loaded into the metadata template spreadsheet (, and any missing information that can be added can be entered in the spreadsheet. The second workflow is for situations in which the metadata record must be created from scratch. There are two online tools for creating metadata in this situation. If the resource is already accessible online, the metadata wizard ( provides forms for generating the metadata record. If the resource needs to be placed in a web accessible repository, the USGIN repository ( is available to create a metadata record and upload the resource to make it available for online access.
The AASG geothermal data project has implemented an online catalog using the open-source ESRI Geoportal software ( This catalog software has functions to harvest metadata from OGC service GetCapabilities documents, providing another path to get service metadata into the catalog.
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