This spreadsheet is a compilation of Direct Use Geothermal pump system observations (basic description of sites utilizing geothermal energy for space heating, greenhouses and resorts and other direct use applications) compiled by the Massachusetts Geological Survey, published as a Web feature service for the National Geothermal Data System. The document contains 6 worksheets, including information about the template, notes related to revisions of the template, Resource provider information, the data, a field list (data mapping view) and a worksheet with vocabularies for use in populating the spreadsheet (data valid terms). Data from 104 sites utilizing this technology are included. Fields in the data table include FeatureURI, Name, UTM_E, UTM_N, UTMDatumZone, LatDegree, LongDegree, SRS, LocationUncertaintyStatement, LocationUncertaintyCode, LocationUncertaintyRadius, LocationKeyword, HeatApplication, Temperature, TempUnits, TempMeasurementProcedure, TempMeasurementDate, UserType, Flow, FlowUnits, FlowMeasurementProcedure, Capacity, CapacityUnits, CapacityProcedure, EnergyUse, EnergyUseUnits, EnergyUseProcedure, LoadFactor, FacilityContact, PostalAddress, Zip, Phone, EMailAddress, Source, MetadataURI and DataEntrySource.