This dataset is a compilation of borehole temperature observations from boreholes in New York state, provided by the New York Geological Survey and New York State Museum for the National Geothermal Data System. The document contains 6 worksheets, including information about the template, notes related to revisions of the template and Resource provider information. Data for 5926 records are included. Fields in the data table include ObservationURI, WellName , APINo, HeaderURI, OtherID, OtherName, BoreholeName, Label, Operator, LeaseName, SpudDate, EndedDrillingDate, WellType, Status, CommodityOfInterest, StatusDate, Function, Production , ProducingInterval, ReleaseDate, Field, OtherLocationName, County, State, PLSS_Meridians, TWP, RGE, Section_, SectionPart, Parcel, UTM_E, UTM_N, UTMDatumZone, LatDegree, LongDegree, SRS, LocationUncertaintyStatement, LocationUncertaintyCode, LocationUncertaintyRadius, DrillerTotalDepth, DepthReferencePoint, LengthUnits, WellBoreShape, TrueVerticalDepth, ElevationGL, FormationTD, BitDiameterCollar, BitDiameterTD, DiameterUnits, Notes, MeasuredTemperature, CorrectedTemperature, TemperatureUnits, TimeSinceCirculation , CirculationDuration, MeasurementProcedure, CorrectionType, DepthOfMeasurement, MeasurementDateTime, MeasurementFormation, MeasurementSource, RelatedResource, CasingLogger, CasingBottomDepthDriller, CasingTopDepth, CasingPipeDiameter, CasingWeight, CasingWeightUnits, CasingThickness, DrillingFluid, Salinity, MudResistivity, Density, FluidLevel, pH, Viscosity, FluidLoss and MeasurementNotes